1. The notion state

    Beginning. My journey through life is often marked by waypoints. Not so much comforters, because I…

    Wednesday 30 May
    2 comments so far

  2. And my heart lies there also

    Full exploitation was indeed achieved. The plan™ is now a finely-honed work of excellence. We have…

    Tuesday 29 May
    1 comments so far

  3. utcha-t aakhut, utcha-t meh-t

    My phone really is knackered. I even trialled a new one, but the money-grubbing seller, who…

    Friday 25 May
    1 comments so far

  4. ...where the night has become elizium for the sleepless souls...

    This is, as it happens, the 100th post since the switch to this domain. The other…

    Monday 21 May
    4 comments so far

  5. Riding Paddy MCGinty's goat

    Last night was a reprise of that which I said to never speak of again. But…

    Thursday 17 May
    2 comments so far

  6. Everyday tales of RealLife(tm)

    <beowulf> don’t cross the memes <swm> or the fire station blows up and the ghosties are…

    Tuesday 15 May
    3 comments so far

  7. You drink your coffee, and I sip my tea, and we're sitting here, playing so cool, thinking 'What will be will be'

    Mostly my life is surreal. The situations I find myself in can only lead to me…

    Monday 14 May
    3 comments so far

  8. Line my eyes and call me pretty

    So far, this year has been rather poor for the old musical releases. And the new…

    Wednesday 09 May
    1 comments so far

  9. Though the sky be dark, and the voyage be long, Yet we never can think we were rash or wrong

    What worries you more? The lies you have told? Or the truths? The fact that you…

    Tuesday 08 May
    0 comments so far

  10. Miss. Triss. Direct. Input.

    Someone mentioned to me that they didn’t really understand this here weblog. He wasn’t the first…

    Sunday 06 May
    2 comments so far

  11. You paint my fingers and you paint my toes, you let your perfect nipples show

    Last night, some of the noted gentry, branes, chicks-with-amplly-filled-fluffy sweaters and a motley crew of misfits…

    Thursday 03 May
    3 comments so far

  12. ραδιον μεν εοτ λεγειν, χαλεπον δε πειθειν

    Note to Cambridge drivers: A red light means stop. As in you don’t go through it….

    Tuesday 01 May
    3 comments so far

Leave the dark corners of the interweb alone. Go to the bright spots shone on by the Beautiful Ones

The BlackStar Diaspora

The wulf insists on text here...and I shall leave it at that.

People I know

I know people who didn't work at BlackStar, and they have weblogs too. These are they.

News, politics and paranoia

The State is not your friend


It is a well-known fact that the Stray Taoist (nee Toaster) isn't as internally consistent as he thinks he is. Welcome to his world.

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