1. Throw away your Gaultier and grow your hair again

    It is strange how you get caught up in things, without realising it. At some point…

    Monday 19 Sep
    4 comments so far

  2. Contamination and radiation, let it crawl while the city sleeps

    This is the NEWS. C’mon pack your bags Clear the floor. Let’s step out through the…

    Sunday 18 May

  3. Could you take The State apart from the inside?

    Another weekend, another ten miles (cummulative) around The Gogs with mental puppy dog. Although he is…

    Monday 25 Feb

  4. All stories are true, it just so happens that not all of them are based on fact

    Here comes another admission. Y’see, I believe lots of things, know some things, hear even more…

    Thursday 07 Feb

  5. Selective anger, not talk not that never now

    I forgot about this one while writing my last entry. Scene: Somewhere on the DLR, there…

    Monday 16 Jul
    3 comments so far

  6. Everyday cosplay

    I managed to not see any of Listen to the Authoritarians dictate nonsense nor a moment…

    Friday 06 Jul
    1 comments so far

Leave the dark corners of the interweb alone. Go to the bright spots shone on by the Beautiful Ones

The BlackStar Diaspora

The wulf insists on text here...and I shall leave it at that.

People I know

I know people who didn't work at BlackStar, and they have weblogs too. These are they.

News, politics and paranoia

The State is not your friend


It is a well-known fact that the Stray Taoist (nee Toaster) isn't as internally consistent as he thinks he is. Welcome to his world.

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