This is the NEWS.

C’mon pack your bags
Clear the floor.
Let’s step out through the open door.
Leave a note that says goodbye.
Build a new house
Down by the sea.
Get to the place we were meant to be.
You’ll know it when you smile.

Cassandra has got a new job, and starts next month. Step up, and all that. She is very happy, and I am very happy for her. She seems a lot happier, which is good. Her current hit rate for jobs is 100%. Every job she has applied for ever, she has got. Go her.

In a related-if-you-know-why addendum that has nothing to do with the preceeding paragraph, Dahlia has a new sister. Faster, sleeker, shinier, whiter, but not a replacement. Oh no. And her name is Pythia.

Up at the window.
Search in the sky.
Looking for the rainbow,
And don’t ask my.
I wanna see the rainbow come.

You meet all sorts while being in all sorts of places. Mental-puppy-dog walking does mean I come across quite a few types. Most just nod, say hello, wander on with their canine friends. Some walk with me, chatting and getting on. Some are strange. Some I probably shouldn’t encourage, else I get myself in trouble. Have a snippet of a conversation:

Her I know it is good for the dog, but The Gogs are a bit boring.
Me Boring? Are you serious? Do you not know what you walk on?
Her What? What? What?
Me There is power in these hills, there is an energy that is older than you, older than I, older than almost time itself.
Her, very interested Ooooooh, really?
Me Oh yes, for these hills here, this ancient land, we walk our dogs over a ley line, where the giants sleep and Albion wakes.
Her squee Tell me more…

People are easy.

Mr. Postman look and see
If there’s a message in your bag for me.
Could be a bomb or it could be a letter.
It don’t matter it can only get better.
Mr. Postman look and see
If there’s a message in your bag for me.
You know it’s been such a long long time
Since I could laugh at this world of mine.

It might not be known widely, but second male child and I now do two Tae Kwon Do classes a week, a traditional one and a workout one. Now, those who know me might chuckle heartily at the second one there, as it involves an hours workout (jogging while partner does 35 exercises, comes back, I do it, repeat but with 40 of the same, change exercise) but I can do it. It kills me, but I can do it. Then twenty minutes of stretching (I would much prefer the exercise, stretching is a nightmare), then twenty minutes of sparring techniques, then twenty minutes of sparring itself. On a Friday night. And it is a well-attended class, covering all age ranges. (And including at least two England team members, and sometimes the world champion.) It is great fun. We love it. But have another conversation that took place after one of the one-and-half minute bouts, before changing partner.

Me (bowing) Thank you
Her (bowing) Yes, thank you too. I see you like a bit of hot feet on breast action then (*laughs*)

By way of an explanation, we have been trying a block-kick-reverse-turning-side-kick combo, and I was attempting to use it during the bout. I also did some bouncing forward (off the front leg) snap kicks, so it was a leg-up-at-her-chest for a goodly amount of time bout. And yes, I connected with her chest a few times. Thus scoring points. It may also not be widely know, but I can kick that high now. In a few months I want to be kicking around peoples heads. Which might not lead to as much feet-on-breast action, but more feet-on-head action.

Slippin’ & slidin’ around in your head.
It’s be-bop-a-lula then baby you’re dead.
So c’mon make a bright new day.
I need a prayer here.
Need a blessing.
Case an eye back as you run.
Turn around boy!
See the rainbow come.

Change is bad, m’kay? But I can’t really believe that, as I change job every couple of years, dragged the family over here, engage with all sorts of new activities all the time. (Not to say I am flighty, far from it. Change bad, remember?) Alas, in most things my ambition far outstrips my talent. Consider music, I have so many ideas, I jot down lyrics all the time, fragments of tunes, but don’t have the ability to carry them out. Practice, which means time, which is what I am short of. Allotment, ferrying children, TKD, mental puppy dog walking, music, work. The days are just packed.

You’ll be leaving on all sides
When the rainbow comes.
See the world from all sides
When the rainbow comes.

I heard a new term today. Mankini. I shudder at the thought.

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Leave the dark corners of the interweb alone. Go to the bright spots shone on by the Beautiful Ones

The BlackStar Diaspora

The wulf insists on text here...and I shall leave it at that.

People I know

I know people who didn't work at BlackStar, and they have weblogs too. These are they.

News, politics and paranoia

The State is not your friend


It is a well-known fact that the Stray Taoist (nee Toaster) isn't as internally consistent as he thinks he is. Welcome to his world.

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