So second-male-child and I decided we would enter a Tae Kwon Do competition. Mostly for the experience, to see how they play, and to test ourselves. We entered different sections, with young-fellow-me-lad doing his top 틀, whereas I, given my heritage and, um, belligerence, didn’t, and went in for 맞서기 instead.
And, considering I may have a propensity to replay, analyse, deconstruct and generally ponder on past happenstances, here are my thoughts on how it went, how I did, how one of my progeny did and my plans for the future.
We practice sparring techiques in our Friday torture session, and indeed, after that, do some sparring. But of course, in the heat and concentration of a competition, this all goes out the window. (Well, it was our first competition, a learning curve for us.)
I am just too slow. I know what I need to do, know what I want to do, and in fact do it, but not before someone else scores the point first. I was also worried, because wandering around the arena, some of the bouts had their participants going in a tad on the heavy side. It is supposed to be light contact only. However, it did seem to be mostly lower 급, and when it got to me, it was light. And technical. And great. Now, when reminded (from the side of the area) to guard up, I can do that. But just that fraction too slow on the attack. And leaving myself wide open during kicking. (School boy error!) But mostly it was forgetting everything I have learned previously in the heat of battle.
One thing, though. As you get three points for a headshot, a lot of bouts stop (I have only done point-stop sparring so far) in seconds, as the taller of the two leaps forward and punches down to the top of the head. It doesn’t make for good spectating.
But the bug has bitten. We are addicted. We want more.
The divisions were broken down by sex and age. 급 ranges were banded together, so I was fighting those above (and below) me. You would think it would be an all male preserve, if you thought of it at all. But no! Quite a high density of females stretching their startched white 도복, and of those most were black belts. 도복, lab coats, tennis skirts. All these have crossed my way recently.
But those are other stories. Not for here, not for now.
Neat, look forward to hearing how future tournements go.
Also, love that photo!!
Sat 26 Jul, 9:23AM