We were having a discussion in NewNewWork yesterday on popular televisual entertainment. And when I say discussion, said discussion was typed. And not into any of these new fangled twittering instant gooey nonsense apps. Oh no. Good old-fashioned IRC for us. Long-time readers may sense where this is going, as how on earth did I partake of such a conversation other than the usual response of ‘Err, no, haven’t seen it, but I think PopBitch mentioned it once, so I am aware of it on a meta-level.’ But that isn’t the point of this post. This post is to show my ignorance to the world, and have a list of moving imagery that I haven’t seen. Nor have I ever any intention of seeing. So, in no particular order other than they occur to me:

1. (because it was what sparked this post) Sex in the City
2. Gladiator
3. An entire episode of Friends from start to end
4.The Sound of Music
5. Titanic
6. Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
7. Any series of Big Brother
8. Saving Private Ryan
9. The Royle Family
10. Any house makeover programmer

What you tell me is The Best Thing Ever™ probably isn’t. I don’t care, really, I don’t. And don’t get me going on those Top 1000 Items I Think You Should See Before You Die Because I Am So Much Cleverer Than You books. Don’t, seriously. I have much anger these days. In the Grand Scheme of Things, it doesn’t matter that I haven’t seen those, and countless others. They do not define me, merely what I have sat in front of not thinking for myself. We aren’t all equal, remember?

And the other problem with popular culture references is that the recipient of the line/insult/quote has to get it. For instance, many times over the years I have said, in retort, You are WRONG and a grotesquely ugly freak, and sometimes people haven’t got it. Which leads, in itself, to hilarity of sit-com proportions. Rather happily, when trading the usual set of insults with MonkeyBoy, I said I hate you with a passion you can only dream of, to which he snickered, and replied You touch-a my stuff, I kill ya, which was awesome. Not that I would tell him that. Oh no. But he got the reference, which was good. I don’t exist in a little world of my own. Sometimes.

Your experiences diverge from mine, I am not your target demographic.

  1. I’ve not seen the sound of music either but I feel as if I have.

    I’m afraid I’ve caught glimpses of those other shows but I didn’t inhale - except for Pet.

    Wed 21 May, 4:51PM

  2. Hmm … lets see.

    1) nope
    2) saw this, utter shite
    3) saw the odd one. Watched one being filmed
    4) saw it, wasn’t impressed.
    5) nope
    6) nada
    7) OMFG no No NO!!!!
    8) saw this, it was ok, nothing special
    9) no
    10) This ole house rocks my world.

    I guess I’m not the target demographic either.

    Fri 23 May, 11:01AM

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