Further to my brief paragraph on the redistribution of wealth, compounded by electronic communication exchanged with Tony, who may have information of use to TERRISTS, then passed through the glass of the biased Statist broadcaster and also the libertarian take on it, I wish to further my paragraph.

First. Yes, I wholeheartedly disagree with the forcing of keeping children in education until eighteen. (As an aside, just to troll straight away, I don’t believe it is a right for all to attend third-level education. You have to earn your place by having the right educational qualifications. Ones that will support you through the three years. I digress.)

So here is a plan instead. How about we have no compulsory education at all. Well, ok, not at all. How about, from, say fourteen or fifteen. (I may be wussing out here, going back to twelve might be a contender.)

It goes like this: There is no education for those who don’t feel the need. Those who aren’t suited for pure academia, or just want to get out and work. Let them do that. And here comes the proviso. There should be no age barrier to getting back into education. After they have worked for a while, matured, sorted out whatever they want to do with themselves, they should have the option of opting back in to the school system. So the classes might have a mix of old and young. The work place would too. The marketplace would gain enormously, as would the education sector. Which should be taken out of State control. (Obviously.)

You always hear of people wanting to go back to better themselves. It isn’t bettering themselves, it is just gaining another skillset. Not everyone is setup to be a particle physicist, neither would I trust certain handless gimps with servicing my Caitlin. So why force children through a demeaning system to (perhaps) damage them emotionally, intellectually and sometimes physically? Why not wait until they decide they want something academic in their life? This would be a major overhaul, both in implementation and thinking.

But then there is the cry that most mathematicians/physicists (the scientists who matter, people, not the stampcollectors) do their best work before they are twenty-five. And? They would be the ones happiest to stay in education, getting the best they can. And the returners would have a wider view on life, and could still do groundbreaking work. To say otherwise would be dumb.

How does this fit, though, with me not wanting these people to sponge off the State? Well, they won’t have paid as much tax, as there won’t be any educational subsidy. And as for those who stay in the system at the age we currently force them through the conformity factories, I don’t know. I am just thinking out loud here. And typing like a loon. But there is the seed of an idea in there somewhere.

Next time: Why the NHS should be dismantled. And using the redistribution of health socialistic model, you know, where people are dying for lack of a kidney, when there are evil capitialist humans who have two, so therefore should be forced by law to give one up. Hell, why stop there? There are people who are alive, which is an affront to those comrades who have the disadvantage to be dead, so we should, for the good of Socialism, kill everyone…

Where is Clare?

Fog on the Cam, fog in the mind

  1. of course everyone would benefit, teachers would have less disruptive classes because people were choosing to be there, kids would benefit from being around people with a bit of real world/life experiance and adults would benefit from being reminded that sometimes the kids really are smarter as well as getting a chance to see how the next generation views what this one is doing. Of course because it’s a great idea and massively beneficial to everyone so it will never happen.

    Thu 29 Mar, 8:14AM

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