Banned bam video. Excellent. (Wouldn’t have been banned if it were made by Irn Bru.)
Big numbers. Smaller. Excellent. This is the paper I was looking for.
So I shaved. Totally. Completely. Now every time I wander pass people in NewNewWork, they smirk. Now every time I wander pass people in NewNewWork they look twice, and recognition doesn’t kick in for a second or two. Now every time I wander pass people in NewNewWork they ask if I am allowed out past my bedtime.
I know it may seem odd, but I am really rather chuffed at harvesting our own produce. Land cultivated, planted, tended and picked. Most excellent.
There is a glimmer of light (and a puff of smoke) in my ongoing battle with Cassandra over a pipe. It has gone from divorce to sleeping on the couch. Victory will surely only be round the corner?
Meme collision. Indeed. kthnxbai.
[0]It obviates the need for an imagination.
I hope that you have updated your Mii to reflect your newly-shorn state.
(At least until you let it grow back again.)
Tue 10 Jul, 9:39PM
What, everywhere? Everything?
Tue 10 Jul, 11:18PM
Well, in the cranial region, just the lower parts of my face. Hair is still intact, you will be pleased to know. :P
Wed 11 Jul, 7:40AM
Thought it was too good to be true. You should’ve gone the whole hog.
Still, better than nothing.
Sun 15 Jul, 8:06PM