My only daughter, and my youngest, clings desperately on to single figures. And is nine today. Happy birthday, my wee button!

Back in the colonies, I used to get her birthday off every year. That was always a bonus.

Time flies, and faster as you get older. She is now nine? I can remember the day she was born, much as I remember the day all my progeny were born. How did this happen? Where did all the time go?

Regardless of how I notice time, my daughter is growing up wise, pretty, clever and funny. But sometimes with a tongue on her like her mother. Of course, I have already seen the shadows of what will happen when she gets to that certain age I amn’t thinking about yet, mayhaps it would be better for me to leave home for those years.

But I don’t have to think of that yet. She is still, and always will be, my wee girl.

Nine today

Nine today

  1. Pass on “Happy Birthday” from me to her.

    Sat 17 Mar, 7:47PM

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