Co je to za nebe

Posted Mon 26 Feb
1 comments so far

My last post, this quote from Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, was obviously for the wedding, but also because that is what I read at the service. And more than honoured to be asked to do so. Chuffed, I was. And because I was doing a reading, which meant standing in front of everyone, I had to be NotScruffy. It was mooted I should get my hair cut. I did.

The snip

….and she took too much off…

Co je to za nebe,
nebe bez vezdicky?
Co je to za svafba,
svafba bez mamicky?

We had dancing. Elizabeathan dancing. And it was fantastic. I did have qualms that it would be, well, not enjoyable, but it was quite the opposite of that. An awful lot of fun. And it would be churlish of me to say it was 16th century line dancing. I bet I would look good with hooped skirts, as well.

The girl in yellow was very pretty

Even Cassandra said that girl in yellow was very pretty

Co je to za nebe,
nebe bez mesicka?
Co je to za svafba,
svafba bez taticka?

Every blessing, happiness and wonder to them both, as they now embark on married life. Hurrah!

The happy couple

Did I ever find out what the new surname was?

  1. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    Sun 11 Mar, 10:09PM

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